Saturday, May 18, 2013

Goodbye, New York

The last few days have been... stressful. They've also been fun, emotional and exciting. But mostly stressful.

My hubs left for London two weeks ago, leaving me to wrap up our NYC lives on my own. To be fair, he needed to get over there to start his new job, and I needed to stay here to go to a Bachelorette Party in Las Vegas. (Hey, I have my priorities!)

Well, Vegas was Vegas -- meaning it was an incredibly awesome four days filled with lots of drinking, lots of dancing and very little sleep. So, not surprisingly, I got super sick as soon as I got back to New York. Of course, I had to fight that sickness and somehow get through the packing, admin stuff and final goodbyes that come with leaving the country.

The movers came on Thursday, and I only broke into hysterical tears twice. (Considering the circumstances, I was okay with that.) The main stress of the day came from the fact that the Time Warner Cable guy was supposed to pick up my cable box and totally stood me up. And no one on the phone could understand why I didn't want to just reschedule my appointment. (Because I'm leaving the country. Tomorrow. No, I don't want to drop the box off myself. Because I'm sick and stressed and can I speak to a manager?)

Somehow I pulled myself together and was able to enjoy my last celebration with my girlfriends -- aka Fancy Girls Night. We got unnecessarily dressed up and went to a late dinner at one of my favorite spots, Buddakan. (For people like me who are still not tired of Sex and the City references, this is the spot where Big and Carrie have their rehearsal dinner in the first movie.)

The next day we did brunch at Dos Caminos, followed by drinks at a local dive bar. Most of my NYC crew showed up to say goodbye -- and as I made my way around to hug each of them, the last six years ran through my mind. The ups: getting my first job, meeting my husband, swapping stories over brunch with the girls. And the downs: losing my first job, not being able to make rent, getting my heart broken. After all, these were the people that had been there with me through it all... my New York family.

So naturally, I started crying at that point and just walked out of the bar. Figured there was no good way to say goodbye, so it was best to just run away.

Now I'm on the plane flying over the Atlantic. Thanks to Business Class (and hubby's company!), it's super comfortable -- and thanks to This Is 40 (and Paul Rudd), I've stopped crying and am in a much better frame of mind. Now I'm ready to land at Heathrow, reunite with my man and start drinking loads of tea.

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